December 28, 2023

How to slow down & feel happier

Life is speeding up faster than ever before. Constant digital stimulation and rapid technological advancements are only two reasons of why we're often living life in the “fast lane”.

The constant pressure to succeed and compete is causing people to move faster than ever. Many people feel stressed and overworked, with little time for friends, family or other personal interests.

It's important to realize that you can only control your own actions in this world. While the world around you probably won't slow down, there are some great tactics that can help you slow down more and find peace. Slowing down is not only beneficial for your health because you will experience less stress, it also helps us to appreciate life more and live a more intentional life.

The benefits of slowing down

What if you could bring back balance into your life and reduce the stressors in your life? What if you could do more of what makes you happy and bring meaning to your life? Life moves fast — but you don’t have to. You can be intentional and deliberate and control the process.

A slower pace in life comes with many benefits — not only for our sanity but also for our wellbeing and happiness. Even though it may seem counterintuitive, adding time to your day or creating more space in your calendar can make you happier and more productive.

7 Tips To Slow Down

If you are struggling with slowing down, we've created a list for you of seven simple activities to help you slow down and live more intentionally.

‍1. Schedule in Time for Yourself

Make sure you’re taking at least a couple of hours every day to relax and clear your mind. This can mean simply sitting in a quiet place with no distractions or doing an activity that helps reduce stress, like yoga, meditation or journaling. If you feel that you need more time, set aside a whole day or even a weekend just for yourself to do things that you like, such as reading a book in a cafe or practicing pilates. By taking the time for yourself, you also allow yourself to check in with your emotions.

2. Prioritize Your Body

Whenever you are pushing yourself too hard, your body will give you signs that it needs more rest. It could be that you are tired more easily, you're having trouble focusing or you feel general physical pain.

Be aware of your body's needs and listen to it. It helps to set a daily alarm twice to pause everything you're doing to tune in with yourself, to notice what is going on. If you find a lot of tension in your body, take a break from intense movement and sleep a bit more.

3. Take Time off from Social Media

Take a break from your social media, even if it's just for a few days. This will help you to disconnect break away from the constant and notifications that come with being connected at all times. This can give you a chance to reset and reconnect with yourself and the physical world. Social media can also draw people into drama or negative conversations, so taking a break can help refocus your energy on something more positive and worthwhile.

4. Take Time to Connect with Nature

One of the best ways to diminish stress is to surround yourself with nature and its calming presence. Being around a forest, water or sea will help you to appreciate nature and it will give you a sense of peace and calm, especially when you are feeling overwhelmed

Research has actually shown that being outdoors can reduce stress levels and improve your mood and focus. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, take the time to enjoy a bit of nature and see how it can help you.

5. Slow Down Your Eating

Eating quickly and without noticing is as bad for your health as eating unhealthy foods. Taking the time to enjoy your meals can help you to relax and appreciate the food that you have. Overall, intentional eating starts with being mindful and aware of what you care about with food, to notice when you’re hungry and when you’re not. Notice how your body feels and what kind of food would benefit you.

When we rush through our meals, we tend to overeat and miss out on the pleasure of savoring each bite. Eating slowly allows your body to digest food better and also gives you a chance to enjoy the experience of eating.

6. Make Time for Exercise

Even though you might not feel like it at all when you are feeling overwhelmed, exercising can actually help you to reduce stress and make you feel better. The most important here is to check in with your body and see what it needs. You don't always need to for a high-intensity workout, some days a slowed-down yoga practice might benefit you more. Moving your body helps to reduce the hormones that lead to fatigue and other physical symptoms if you are feeling stressed. Whether it is jogging, pilates, or indoor cycling: as long as you do what your body tells you.

7. Spend Time with People you Love

Socializing with friends and family can help to lift your mood and reduce stress. Spend time with people who make you feel good and remind you of the things that matter most in life.

Talking with people you know and trust can help you to sort out your thoughts and feelings. It's also a great way to get different perspectives on anything that you're going through.

Also, it can be easy to focus on the things you are missing in your life, but surrounding yourself with the people you love, and having a laugh with them can contribute to feeling more thankful in life. And being thankful can shift your mind to the good, the simple pleasures in your life.

Good luck and remember: to go fast, you need to go slow.

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December 28, 2023
How to slow down & feel happier